Forthcoming child protection courses

All professionals who come into contact with children need Level 1 and 2 training.  You can do both levels on-line; register at where the safeguarding courses are listed under “Projects”. 

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health holds a number of courses and advertises others, many of which are open to non-paediatricians.  Have a look at

The Advanced Life Support Group also run child protection courses which have been developed with RCPCH.  More information about this on- line course from

There is a very good course for paediatricians run at the Hillingdon Hospital twice a year on child protection and court skills.  They run in June and November each year.  See

Do let me know of any other courses using the Comments feature below.

One thought on “Forthcoming child protection courses

  1. There is a child protection recognition and response course at North Middlesex in December 2011. This is aimed at ST1-3s and GPVTSs. Book through the above website.

    Dr Justin Daniels
    Paediatric Consultant
    North Middlesex Hospital
    London, UK

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