June 2012 PDF

June’s PDF digest is ready for consumption.  Both APLS and NICE have lost paraldehyde from their status epilepticus algorithms, a link to Working Together and an article on sticky eyes v. conjunctivitis.  Blood pressure centile charts and a plug for the London Deanery’s communication skills courses.  Do leave comments below.

One thought on “June 2012 PDF

  1. Just adding a comment from our local paediatric epilepsy specialist on the updated NICE guideline:

    I think [your] recommendation re general paediatrician within 2 weeks is inaccurate /instead suggest -‘children presenting to a/e following a first suspected seizure should be seen by a paediatrician with onward referral to a ‘specialist’ if epileptic seizure is suspected.

    [Please remind GPs of the bit that says] ‘Consistent supply to the child, young person or adult with epilepsy of a particular manufacturer’s AED preparation is recommended’and I also think the recommendation regarding Carbamazepine slow release is useful to share for GPs and ourselves as a reminder:

    ‘If using carbamazepine, offer controlled-release carbamazepine preparations’

    Dr Corina O’Neill
    Consultant community paediatrician
    Wood Street Children’s Specialist Services

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