False negative coeliac screens this month, titbits about growth charts and a couple of papers on screen time and autistic spectrum disorder, and lack of socialisation during the pandemic.
False negative coeliac screens this month, titbits about growth charts and a couple of papers on screen time and autistic spectrum disorder, and lack of socialisation during the pandemic.
This month’s newsletter is all about epilepsy, with thanks to one of the senior registrars working at Homerton currently who has a special interest in epilepsy. Useful updates and links. Please do leave comments below.
Some useful bits and pieces this month, I hope. Pointers to a CPD opportunity on autism and eating disorders and October’s relevant awareness day for children with developmental language disorder. Also the updated Vitamin D guideline.
This month‘s newsletter has a child safeguarding theme, with thanks to Dr Jackie Driscoll who edited it this month. A round up of educational and support resources for us and our patients and their families.
A joint newsletter this month because I ran out of time during a house move. Timely information about the polio catch up plan in London, a video on how to persuade children to take pills, toxic shock syndrome, handle bar injuries and a reminder of July’s Quality Standard from NICE on Fever in the under 5s.
A fantastic safe-guarding round-up this month by Nicci Wotton at Imperial. Child death reviews, violence, bruising, FGM, virginity tests and dangerous dogs. Where else can you get a line-up like that? Quite a depressing edition overall but invaluable CPD for us all.
It’s all about vitamins, minerals and supplements this month, with thanks to Dr Lisa Tadele for editing May’s newsletter. Do leave questions, comments or any other suggestions (backed up by evidence please) below:
This month‘s newsletter has some helpful resources for parents of children of all ages. Also a reminder from Islington borough of London that children should be at school if they have minor illnesses. Everyone gets muddled up with HSP and ITP so we’ve put together a comparison table. Do leave comments below…
This month‘s newsletter has a link to a good parent information leaflet on Medically Unexplained Symptoms. Also a few eyes peeping out of the newsletter – red ones of Kawasaki’s with a note on atypical presentations and swollen ones of periorbital cellulitis which are usually treatable with oral antibiotics. The overlap between ASD and ADHD and grieving children “puddle-jumping”.
February newsletter is on a safeguarding theme again, with thanks to Dr Jackie Driscoll, GP trainee with special interest in both education and child safeguarding. Read all about contextual safeguarding and what we can do about it. Also peer to peer abuse, hazing and other things that many of us will have experienced in our own lives.