April and May!

I seem to have forgotten to put a blog post up when I published April’s newsletter which contains information on: tonsillectomy for parents, erythema infectiosum (which I think my son had this week), a safety alert about bath seats, tranexamic acid in paediatric trauma and how to make a nasal douche for rhinitis sufferers.

May is now also published and features dangerous dogs, knee pain, dental caries and continuations of both the dermatology and ENT features.  Do leave comments below.

2 thoughts on “April and May!

  1. I have always found your publications very useful as a trainee in Welsh deanery
    Can you do one on approach to anogenital warts in children?
    Are other deanery trainees allowed to contribute.

    1. I am more than happy for everyone to contribute! My work e-mail is at the top of the monthly newsletters; do write and let me know what you want to write about. Series are quite good for my planning (eg. the current dermatology and ENT series or last year’s Sleep disorder and minor injuries series) but one off articles about something you think GPs or ED doctors would find helpful are also very welcome.

      As far as anogenital warts are concerned, I can certainly look at doing a text box on this and may be other genital dermatology. For now, take a look at http://patient.info/doctor/human-papillomavirus-and-genital-warts which has a paragraph at the bottom on anogenital warts in children.


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