Category Archives: PDF digests: Emergency Departments

March 2020 – first all safeguarding edition!

March has been guest edited by Dr Jackie Driscoll, Academic GP and erstwhile paediatric registrar.  Jackie was keen to produce a newsletter which centres on the child but sees them in the context of their family, their school and neighbourhood.

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February 29th 2020

Burns this month – with much discussion amongst the editorial group prior to publication.  There are lots of different children’s burns protocols it transpires.  RCEM’s is not aligned with the London and South East Burns Network’s.  The message is “use your own burns referral unit’s guideline”.  The other important message about burns is watch out for NAI but, even if the burn is accidental, refer all children to their health visitor as HVs in the UK are responsible for talking to families about safety in the home.

Also, complications of Kawasaki Disease, ADHD and the updated MAP guideline (managing cows milk allergy in primary care) which emphasises that 98% of crying babies do not have CMPA.  Do leave comments below.

Happy Christmas and best wishes for the new decade from the Paediatric Pearls team, December 2019

A bit of a viral soup this month with articles on ‘flu vaccines, how long should children have off school when unwell, NAFLD, and dermatomyositis.  Do leave comments below.

October 2019 PDF

Causes of chest pain in children this month (hint: it’s not the heart), causes of tachycardia, nosebleeds, Down Syndrome annual reviews, causes of erythema nodosum and a link to a fantastic document on the top 20 paediatric outpatient referrals.  Read this document from Birmingham Women and Children’s Hospital and cut your referrals by at least 50%!

September 2019 PDF digest

I’m uploading this month’s newsletter while teaching in Vietnam at the invitation of a very impressive charity,  I’m glad of the extra 6 hours of September – thanks to the time difference – to publish this on time!

Palivizumab this month; are all your eligible patients having it?  A glance at the updated BTS/SIGN guideline on asthma, a very rare case of a cardiac cause of chest pain, how to estimate a child’s weight in an emergency and a bit on haemolysis secondary to G6PD deficiency.  Do leave comments below…

April and May became combined this year…

April came and went a bit too fast for my Paediatric Pearls head.  So I’ve produced a joint April/May newsletter for 2019.  There’s a bit of safeguarding again this month with a link to a paper on what young people in care think of the language we use, a guide to enteral rehydration of children with D&V, acrodermatitis enteropathica and a reminder of what is normal on a paediatric ECG.  Do leave comments below:

March 2019 PDF published

Part 2 of Medically Unexplained Symptoms this month.  Also antibiotics in cystitis, too many investigations in community acquired pneumonia, carotenaemia and heart murmurs in unwell children.  Do leave comments below: