October 2017 PDF digest

Local anaesthetic cream this month (why do some places not use it in the under 1’s?), a link to useful “flash card” learning in the paediatric ED from Leicester, new Movicol doses, diphtheria and the last instalment of urinalysis with bilirubin and urobilinogen.  A reminder also to please discuss children with glycosuria and a high BM with a paediatrician – most children have type 1 diabetes and are at risk of DKA at diagnosis.  Do leave comments below:

3 thoughts on “October 2017 PDF digest

  1. What is EMLA full form? A little anecdote
    This was the first assignment given to me by Dr Gay Fox, my Consultant in Mayo General Hospital, Castlebar, Irish Republic, where I started in my supernumerary in Paediatrics.
    The abbreviation EMLA stands for Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetic which contains

  2. I have raised this in several hospitals I’ve worked in, as there is clear evidence that local anaesthetic reduces pain from venepuncture in under 1s too. I kept being told that babies cry because of the positioning anyway so there’s no point. Unconvincing. Also, there is evidence that it reduces vaccination pain. Doesn’t take the pain away obviously because of intramuscular element, but still reduces. I did it over the counter for my son. Also why don’t we use it more for neonatal and infant LP?

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