One thought on “October GP PDF has been published!

  1. Hi Julia

    Fantastic resource which i will certainly be recommending to my juniors!
    A quick note on one further consideration for amino-acid formula are those infants who present with moderate to severe eczema and faltering growth as well as those mentioned in the table.

    The trial of an extensively hydrolysed formula/amino-acid formula for children with moderate to severe eczema should also be thought about in children who present to a medical practioner over the age of 6 months but with a clear history of eczema starting in the first 6 months of life. This would include older children as well who have eczema poorly controlled by topical/systemic treatment. It has been shown in more than one study that at least 1/3 (and up to 80%) of children within a general paediatric population with moderate to severe eczema have food allergies.

    Good luck with this fantastic project

    Lee Noimark
    Paediatric allergy consultant, Barts and the London Childrens Hospital

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