Safeguarding resources

Please find local safeguarding boards contact details below.  Lots of information on what the LSCB is, training courses on offer, what to do if worried about a child, relevant local contact details etc.:

Child Protection Handbook produced by Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) available to download in full from  Do peruse the continually updated list of downloadable documents at this link.  For example the guidelines on when to suspect Fabricated and Induced Illness were updated in 2009 and quite substantially broadened.

NICE quick reference guideline on When to Suspect Child Maltreatment (July 2009) available at

Working Together (2013) is a guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children

In May 2010, after the election, the Department for Children, Schools and Families became the Department for Education.  The safeguarding content is currently split between the 2 websites.  Most of the Every Child Matters information is at but some of the more up to date news on safeguarding issues is at

A useful document on recognising physical abuse in children with fractures has just been published jointly by the NSPCC and Welsh Child Protection Systematic Review Group.  Compulsory reading for GPs and ED physicians I should think.  This Cardiff Core Info Group publish a number of excellent pamphlets on bites, head injury, burns, bruises and neglect.

Do use the comments box below to let me know about any other resources you would recommend.

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