Lots about diarrhoea this month. Also ADHD and no need any more for an ECG prior to starting medication. Obesity in A&E; can we at least start the journey towards a more healthy future in the Emergency department?

Lots about diarrhoea this month. Also ADHD and no need any more for an ECG prior to starting medication. Obesity in A&E; can we at least start the journey towards a more healthy future in the Emergency department?
This month’s emergency department version of Paediatric Pearls has information on dehydration from the NICE guideline on gastroenteritis in the under 5s, a bit on seizures and the evidence behind our reluctance to let you request chest x-rays for children. I’ve featured the NICE guideline on antibiotics for respiratory illness in primary care too as they are also relevant for the children we see in EUCC and the Emergency Department. I hope you find it helpful; I think the average length of time for each infection is useful information to be able to hand on to parents. Download December’s Paediatric Pearls here.