This month‘s newsletter has a child safeguarding theme, with thanks to Dr Jackie Driscoll who edited it this month. A round up of educational and support resources for us and our patients and their families.

This month‘s newsletter has a child safeguarding theme, with thanks to Dr Jackie Driscoll who edited it this month. A round up of educational and support resources for us and our patients and their families.
A fantastic safe-guarding round-up this month by Nicci Wotton at Imperial. Child death reviews, violence, bruising, FGM, virginity tests and dangerous dogs. Where else can you get a line-up like that? Quite a depressing edition overall but invaluable CPD for us all.
February newsletter is on a safeguarding theme again, with thanks to Dr Jackie Driscoll, GP trainee with special interest in both education and child safeguarding. Read all about contextual safeguarding and what we can do about it. Also peer to peer abuse, hazing and other things that many of us will have experienced in our own lives.
With thanks to Jackie Driscoll for this month‘s newsletter which takes us back to safeguarding issues. Have a look and earn some child safeguarding CPD points from learning about Disguised Compliance, school refusal, Liberty Protection Safeguards and ENT presentations to be concerned about. this month is all about safeguarding again, Nicci’s theme this month being the “voice of the child”. As one of the Paediatric Pearls editorial board said, “Sad but solid newsletter – rings very true with practice at the moment.”
With thanks to Dr Jackie Driscoll for a safeguarding theme again this month. Burns, FII, CPC, FGM. Do read the newsletter to verify the acronyms and bring yourself up to date with the current themes in child protection.
Digging deep into safeguarding again this month with thanks to Nicci Wotton, head of safeguarding at Imperial, London, UK. A reminder of useful apps for our young patients and pointers to documents that govern our safeguarding responsibilities in the UK and internationally. Do leave comments below.
An emphasis on children’s psychological support this month, particularly around bereavement during Covid. A couple of useful links to PIMS-TS information for GPs and families, a bit more on bites with a safeguarding slant and what to do with constipation when Movicol is not the answer.
Do leave comments below.
More safeguarding this month from Dr Jackie Driscoll. Modern Slavery, Child Trafficking, County Lines and Prevent. Packed full with everything you need to know and links to more resources.
Safeguarding issue again this month. Round up of CPD resources and a reminder of how much demonstrable child safeguarding CPD health professionals have to do per 3 year cycle. Also some support groups for your patients and a quiz on social media sites – in case you thought you were ahead of the game…