March 2015 published

March 2015: the first post of the new ENT feature this month – glue ear, more help with viral exanthems, important safeguarding information on the UK government’s Prevent Strategy, breastfeeding for mums and research in the paediatric ED. 

Sick and tired – the truth about infantile reflux

Sick and tired – the truth about infantile reflux By Dr Tom Waterfield We have all had that difficult conversation regarding “reflux” when a tired parent has come to us with their “sicky child” and an unshakeable belief that their baby has gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. There is often enormous pressure to provide a solution but … Continue reading Sick and tired – the truth about infantile reflux

October 2013 newsletter

Lots of writing on this month’s PDF digest, much of it thanks to our registrars.  Rotavirus oral vaccination, wheezing in the under 2s, bradycardia, conduct disorder, Kawasaki disease and force feeding.  Do leave comments below.

Emotional abuse and neglect

With many thanks to Dr Harriet Clompus, paediatric SpR with an interest in community paediatrics for summarising this core-info topic so neatly and usefully. Emotional Neglect and Abuse Core-info, a Cardiff university based research group, examines all areas of child abuse by systematically reviewing worldwide  literature and producing recommendations based on best evidence.  This is a … Continue reading Emotional abuse and neglect

Allergy update 2013

Allergy – notes from a recent allergy update course with thanks to Dr Su Li, paediatric consultant @ Whipps Cross. Useful websites: – good factsheets on rhinitis, oral allergy syndrome etc. is a collaborative project for patients, their parents and health professionals on all aspects of atopic illness. RCPCH allergy care pathways for … Continue reading Allergy update 2013

child abuse and head injuries

This summarises the Core-info leaflet on head and spinal injuries in children. Full details are available at **PLEASE REFER ALL SUSPECTED INFLICTED HEAD AND SPINAL INJURIES TO PAEDIATRICS ** Inflicted head injuries can arise from shaking and/or impact occurs most commonly in the under 2’s are the leading cause of death among children who have … Continue reading child abuse and head injuries

The Perinatal Parent Infant Mental Health Service (PPIMHS)

The PPIMHS teams are made up of perinatal psychiatrists, community mental health practitioners and psychotherapists/psychologists and they accept referrals from Health Visitors, GPs, midwives, Children’s Centres workers or other health professionals and self-referrals.  Click here for their referral form.  They may signpost elsewhere after the initial consultation if appropriate or they will offer the parent/carer … Continue reading The Perinatal Parent Infant Mental Health Service (PPIMHS)

Oral rehydration guideline

Most children who are dehydrated presenting to UK emergency departments can be rehydrated orally.  Give 50ml/kg ORS solution over 4hrs, plus ORS solution for maintenance, often and in small amounts (even by syringe or spoon) Continue breast feeding Consider supplementing with usual fluids (but not fruit juices or carbonated drinks) if a child without red … Continue reading Oral rehydration guideline

Whooping cough outbreak 2012

More background to pertussis with thanks to Dr Rupa Vora whooping cough is caused by Bordetella pertussis, a gram negative pleomorphic bacillus. It is spread by aerosol transmission and the bacteria cause damage by attaching to the respiratory cilia it occurs in clusters every 2-5 years during the summer months. We currently have an outbreak … Continue reading Whooping cough outbreak 2012