Some useful bits and pieces this month, I hope. Pointers to a CPD opportunity on autism and eating disorders and October’s relevant awareness day for children with developmental language disorder. Also the updated Vitamin D guideline.
Tag Archives: CAMHS
September safeguarding issue 2022
This month‘s newsletter has a child safeguarding theme, with thanks to Dr Jackie Driscoll who edited it this month. A round up of educational and support resources for us and our patients and their families.
Safeguarding again for December 2021
With thanks to Jackie Driscoll for this month‘s newsletter which takes us back to safeguarding issues. Have a look and earn some child safeguarding CPD points from learning about Disguised Compliance, school refusal, Liberty Protection Safeguards and ENT presentations to be concerned about.
October 2021 digest
Lots about diarrhoea this month. Also ADHD and no need any more for an ECG prior to starting medication. Obesity in A&E; can we at least start the journey towards a more healthy future in the Emergency department?
October 2020 PDF
Testicular torsion this month – a surgical emergency with good outcomes if operated on less than 6 hours since the pain started.
Also, links to helpful health and well being websites for young people and to good ECG CPD for psychiatrists and GPs. A bit more on ADHD and a round up of neck lumps in infants, assessment and management.
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