Tag Archives: ENT

GP May 2011!

May 2011 GP version available here!  Can you tell the difference between septic arthritis and transient synovitis?  We have a new algorithm to help you.  Also a reminder about measles, information on inguinal hernias, NICE on otitis media with effusion and a link to an important discussion on the website about what one can and can not do / take while breastfeeding.  Do leave comments below.

Paediatric surgery at Whipps Cross

I thought it might be useful to outline the sort of paediatric surgery Whipps offers.  This post is being put together with the help of my surgical colleagues who are keen to continue receiving appropriate paediatric referrals from GPs.  I will be updating it as and when I get the information from the different specialties.

A word from the anaesthetists: As a general rule all of our consultants on the on-call rota are currently able to anaesthetise any child, 3 years or above presenting as an emergency as long as they are ASA 1 or 2 and needing non body cavity surgery (appendicectomy excepted) with an expected duration of less than 2 hours.  (“ASA 1 and 2” are children who are previously fit and well and those with a mild underlying systemic illness such as mild asthma.)  We have three consultants who have had advanced training in paediatric anaesthesia (Drs. Williams, Singh and Radhakrishnan) who undertake regular elective paediatric lists who are happy to anaesthetise younger children.

GENERAL SURGERY (Mr Stephen Brearley) AND UROLOGY (elective surgery from 1 year of age, emergency surgery from 3 years of age):    

Hernias (all types)


Undescended testicles

Lumps of all types

Tongue ties

Thyroglossal cyst

Emergency work in children over the age of 3 eg. suspected appendicitis

Please refer such things as in-grown toenails and verrucae to podiatrists rather than surgeons.


(elective work from 6 months of age, emergency work from 3 years of age):

Lead Clinician, Mr. Sam Jayaraj

Dedicated Paediatric ENT clinics at WX:

Mr Jayaraj 3 per month at WX and 2 per month at Forest Medical Centre, Loughton (WX outreach clinic)

Mr Patel 2 per month at WX

Mr Kenyon 1 per month at WX.

N.B. We are in the process of setting up a Paediatric ENT Specialist Community Clinic (SCC) in conjunction with Dr Watkin and our audiological colleagues at Wood Street Clinic – watch this space!


ENT Surgical procedures offered at WX 



Oral cavity lesions

Turbinate reduction

Obstructive sleep apnoea assessment

Nasal bone manipulation following trauma

Nasal cautery

Peri-orbital abcess drainage

 Middle ear ventilation tubes (Grommets)

Pre-auricular sinus excision

Pinnaplasty (Mr Jayaraj and Mr Kenyon)


Mastoidectomy (Mr Nitesh Patel)

 Cervical lymph node excision

Thyroglossal cyst excision

Branchial cyst excision

Tongue tie division

Thyroid surgery (Mr Papesch)

Tertiary paediatric ENT services not available at WX (these are rare conditions which require highly specialised nursing, anaesthetic and allied therapies support):

Cleft lip & palate surgery and craniofacial disorders

Paediatric head & neck malignancy

Cochlear implant surgery

Paediatric airway reconstruction surgery (i.e laryngotracheal reconstructive surgery etc)

Currently we refer these patients to our tertiary paediatric ENT colleagues at Great Ormond Street Hospital


Strabismus, eyelid, lacrimal, cataract (with infants being referred to Great Ormond Street where our ophthalmologist with a paediatric interest also works). 



ED version of Paediatric Pearls for March 2011

The March 2011 version is now published.  I have covered the new NICE guideline on food allergy and provided a link to the Allergy Academy which runs some really excellent course on all aspects of allergy in children, including one specifically for ED physicians.   There’s a bit on how to get foreign bodies out of noses and a text box on the paediatric early warning system or PEWS.  I have reminded you all that children under 18 months with a fracture need to be seen by a paediatrician before discharge for a safeguarding assessment.  This guideline comes from a new document put together by the NSPCC and the Welsh Child Protection group.  The pamphlet, downloadable here, describes when to suspect physical abuse in children with fractures and is useful reading for all ED practitioners.  Do leave comments below.

March Paediatric Pearls for GPs

The March 2011 version is now published.  I have covered the new NICE guideline on food allergy which I think you will all find helpful and provided a link to the Allergy Academy which runs some really excellent course on all aspects of allergy in children.  We continue with the 6 week check series with some information and pictures on fontanelles, craniosynostosis and positional plagiocephaly.  There’s a bit on how to get foreign bodies out of noses.  Do leave comments below.

GP version of February 2011’s Paediatric Pearls

GP February 2011 reminds us all of the NICE guideline on Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. We continue our 6-8 week baby check series with information on the absent red reflex and go back to our “from the literature” box to discuss snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). We have relaunched our prolonged jaundice guideline. Please leave comments and questions below.

Snoring children

Amutha reviewed a paper from Brazil in February’s Paediatric Pearls on children who snore.  I thought it was the kind of problem that would go to GPs but she tells me that a lot of the ED juniors ask her about it as well so presumably parents are seeking information on the cause of their sleepless nights from a number of different sources.

 The paper which talks about obstructive sleep apnoea and the need for ENT referral is downloadable in full from http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1808-86942010000500003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=enBraz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Oct;76(5):552-6. 

The effects of sleep disturbed breathing during middle- to late-childhood is related to important aspects of behavioral functioning, especially inattention and learning difficulties, that may result in significant functional impairment at school.  Sleep. 2010 Nov 1;33(11):1447-56.  (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21102986)