False negative coeliac screens this month, titbits about growth charts and a couple of papers on screen time and autistic spectrum disorder, and lack of socialisation during the pandemic.

False negative coeliac screens this month, titbits about growth charts and a couple of papers on screen time and autistic spectrum disorder, and lack of socialisation during the pandemic.
Useful resources in preparation for this year’s expected RSV bronchiolitis surge in this month’s newsletter. Also, a bit on managing young people who are “tired all the time”, height and weight issues in non face-to-face consultations and a short article asking why do we give children 10 days of foul tasting pen-V qds for tonsillitis instead of 5 days of tds amoxicillin which, it transpires, is actually cheaper? Microbiologists and others are welcome to leave comments below!
A mixture of topics this month again. Estimating testicular volume without an orchidometer, correcting for gestational age on growth charts, Resus Council update and the ins and outs of using photographs in virtual consultations. Do leave comments below.
This month brings a handout entitled “Towards a healthy lifestyle…” which is a collaboration between dietitians, physiotherapists, psychiatrists and paediatricians at Homerton Hospital. We have found many families are keen to do something about their child’s weight but don’t know where to start. Hopefully this friendly article aiming for families to be “healthy enough” is a good place to start.
Also a bit on faltering growth, on-line safety, BRUE and the investigations that do not need to be done. Tachycardia is (of course) mentioned again. Do leave comments below.
NICE on faltering growth this month, paediatric stroke, a reminder of the new epilepsy classification and a contribution from the safeguarding team on what constitutes a “legal high”? Do leave comments below:
It’s the last day of September today so I’ve just got in by the skin of my teeth… In this month’s edition I have done a bit on BCG vaccination from the recently updated NICE guideline on TB, reminded you of where to get the new growth charts from and how to plot ex-prem babies on them and featured a somewhat depressing paper from Archives of Disease in Childhood this month on the effects of maternal obesity on the baby. Do leave comments and questions below.