Category Archives: PDF digests: for General Practitioners

April 2014

More musings from Dr Waterfield this month – this time on paracetamol for immunisation discomfort.  Also the 7 important features of a headache y0u must ask about, a link to a very good paediatric emergency medicine site, NICE quality standards in depression, molluscum contagiosum and more musings from me, this time on paediatric phlebotomy.  Do leave comments below.

February 2014 uploaded

Scabies this month with a beautiful picture of plantar lesions in a child.  Updated NICE head injuries, antipyretics (or not) for febrile convulsions, child trafficking and the last in the sleep series.  Do leave comments below.

Dermatology for the New Year!

Eczema this month, a reminder of treatment of infections and links to some useful audit tools from NICE.  Next month, scabies.  Another excellent website on food and nutrition in toddlers with a bit on do’s and don’ts of faddy eating and a paper on whether treating ADHD reduces crime.  Do leave comments.

September 2013 round-up

The newsletter this month is mainly a round-up of past posts which have been quite useful for ED doctors and GPs.  It’s quite hard finding your way around Paediatric Pearls when you first start using it so I hope the articles linked to from this month’s newsletter start you off and give you a flavour of the sort of thing you can find on this website.  Thanks to Dr Tom Waterfield who was once a paediatric trainee with us at Whipps and who has now taken over the “From the literature” slot to keep us all up to date with recent relevant publications.

PEWS is not a national score but the idea is worth thinking about nationally.  We use it to try to identify the children who are at most risk of becoming more unwell so that measures can be put in place to reverse this trajectory.  Remember though, a low PEWS does not necessarily mean the child is safe either.  Children need frequent observations when they are in an acute area and staffing levels need to be appropriate to support this.

Do leave any comments on this month’s newsletter below.

June 2013 ready to go!

Lots of things to talk about this month.  Reminder of what Koplik spots look like, good e-learning on human trafficking, a link to the new primary care guidelines page, night terrors v. nightmares, some good allergy websites and Jess Spedding again on scaphoid injuries.  Do leave comments below.

April/May 2013

April wasn’t quite long enough this year for me to get the newsletter out in time – or something like that anyway.  With thanks to Stephen Flanagan of the London PHE for his input into the measles textbox and Paul Gringras for help with the sleep series again.  Jess has put together another superb article for her minor injuries series and I hope you find the links to the healthy weight clinics helpful for your patients locally.  Click here for the April/May 2013 newsletter.

March 2013 up and running

Delayed sleep phase this month and chronotherapy which sounds like quite an undertaking.  Also a link to a new parent’s guide to picking up and talking about sexual abuse, links to handy recent uploads to the site, the BSACI guideline on allergic rhinitis and more banging on about vitamin D supplementation – please.

February 2013 uploaded!

A timely reminder of an albeit old guideline on otitis media this month, continuation of our minor injuries series and introduction to a new series on sleep disorders.  Also a link to a new Whipps “1st afebrile fit” guideline and a bit of background on hypospadias.

October 2012 ready to go!

Coins, magnets and batteries on the menu this month as well as some more cows milk protein allergy resources.  A reminder about child developmental milestones courtesy of one of our medical students and NICE on headaches.  Do leave comments!